The war against spelling errors continues

Publié le par rs4playup

The war against spelling errors continues: lots of products have had typos removed or their functionality clarified.
The item superior on various quest rewards was incorrect and has been altered.
The phoenix summoned by Ashes of Al'ar has had his flame trains restored.
Guardian's Band of Subjugation now properly grants universal haste.
Girdle from the Warrior Magi now has a socket bonus.


Some one-hand spell power weapons are now principal hand only.
Heart on the Dragon must now provide a consistent amount of Ranged Attack Power.
Loatheb's Shadow must now present a consistent amount of Ranged Attack Energy.
Spirit-World Glass now correctly has a cooldown.
Discerning Eye of your Besat procs should really now be additional obvious.
Focusing Lenses now have a cooldown.


The Horseman's Reings really should once more function in Dalaran.
Haute Club Membership Card no longer prompts players to open it.
The buff granted by Frenzyheart Insingia of Fury now features a correct tooltip.
Harness of Carnal Instinct no longer has bonus armor.
Boots of your Protector have already been brought in line with protection paladin itemization alterations.
A tootip error within the Glyph of Spint has been corrected.
Grilled Sculpin now correctly grants Ranged Attack Power.


Libram of Souls Redeemed should really now only have an effect on Holy Light.
Legacy items that had each melee and spell crucial strike rating have been integrated for the unified rating.
Held in hand books made by Inscription are now Bind on Equip rather than Bind on Pickup.

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